Solid Waste Management : Challenges and Solutions

In a world where everything is attributed a monetary value, what remains to be seen through is ' Potential of Waste ' to turn into ' Wealth '. If we realise this potential then, Solid Waste Management ( SWM ) would no more be a taboo or something limited to being duty of a lower caste-class person. However, to realise this, we need to understand; What Solid Waste Management (SWM) exactly is? It refers to the process of collecting, transporting, treating, analysing and disposing off waste. So, where's the problem? The problem lies in whole process ; • While door-door waste collection in India has increased from 40% (2016) to 95% (2020) but very less number of households and enterprises segregate this waste generated at source. This whole solid waste can be categorised into following three broad kinds -: 1) Organic -: Fruits,Vegetables etc. 2) Dry -: Paper, wrappers etc. 3) Toxic -: Medicines, bulbs, batteries etc. According to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Af...