BackToSchool - Access to Education for Girls amidst Covid-19

Today I read a newspaper headline “All-girls robotics team in Afghanistan designs low-cost ventilator” . It was not at all astonishing for me. Why? Because I believe girls are performing better and are capable of achieving and doing a lot more. On the other hand, if we pay attention to the education for girls during and after Covid-19, it seems worse. Stress, anxiety, depression, job losses of family members have led to a rapid drop outs of students especially girls. If we look back to the ancient times of Maharani Laxmi Bai and other such queens of our land, it sets an example to the bold, fierce and fearless attitude of women those days. Even if we notice today we have list of talented women in every field be it sports, science, politics, media, films, corporate sector etc. In contrast to this, it’s astonishing in this modern times to witness people who tag girls as a “burden” and good for nothing – except for household chores and takin...