OLD AGE HOMES: The Biggest Flaw under Societal Norms

As Benjamin Disraeli quoted, “YOUTH is a Blunder, MANHOOD a Struggle, OLD AGE a Regret”.  It feels disgraceful to know that there are 728 Old Age Homes (OAHs) in a country like India. I really fail to understand its requirement.

Firstly, let me make it clear what OAHs (also termed as vridhashram) are?
 I’ll define OAHs as “Homes meant for the old age people to live when there is no one by their side to take care of them”. In other words, let’s consider it as the final destination for the elderly people according to the younger generation.

According to the Population Census 2011 there are nearly 104 million elderly persons in India and even a report released by UN estimates, suggest that the aged population in the world is expected to touch 22% by 2050.
Moreover, a recent study by Help Age India concluded Kerala as the state with maximum number of old age homes and has also recorded the higher rate of increase in aged population as compared to other such states.

Today the young generation has gone so blind in the wake of adopting the western culture and following the trends of “Westernisation” that they have forgotten the basic ethics and values of our Indian Culture.
Are we people so reckless to leave our loving parents into any such old age home at that crucial stage of life when they need us the most. We right from our birth till being a successful adult expect to be pampered by our parents at even slightest of things but when it’s our chance to play the role of being a proud son /daughter we just find ways and flee from our most vital responsibility and purpose. How can we just forget the ups and downs they overcame; their sacrifices; their unconditional love and their dream to see us successful and happy which eventually turned true through their continuous efforts.
But its really saddening when keeping all that aside, we just let all their efforts; learnings; expectations and sacrifices weigh down and go in vain by our brutish act of bifurcation leading them into some old age homes.

Various programmes and initiatives are being taken up by the government bodies focusing on the attitude of younger generation towards the aged on how can nuclear families care for the aged members of the household. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment is also setup to ensure equitable treatment of such sections of the society.
Its high time of ours to bring out the humanity within us and disrupt the need of any old age home by serving our parents at the key phase of their life.

I believe, people in today’s aura do remember what they took from their parents and ancestors but have devalued all the ethics and values and opted to wear out a mask of greediness. Even if we look today, this critical issue of an hour is seen as a lucrative business opportunity amongst people in the name of “Senior Housing” to earn huge profits which is morally and ethically a wrong initiative.

To conclude, “Lets Reconnect Past with Present and Shelter those who Sheltered Us”. Make the life of people worth living who gave you a beautiful life. Curb out this widely accepted societal norm out of the Indian culture and never let your parents down to any old age home. Don’t let them question their own upbringings. The initiative should be to live with them happily and turn their old age into a happy age.


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